Monday, October 29, 2012

Audio Story Proposal

Niko Higgins and I are partners in this assignment and are decided to make one of us the host (me) and guest (Niko) of a behind the music type of podcast. Niko being a DJ has many stories with many different types of conflict throughout his career and plans to talk about his challenge to become well known as a DJ. This conflict is a person vs. society conflict and highlights a young DJs struggles and will feature samples of his work as a beginner and now as a seasoned veteran DJ. Most of the sounds are already created being music from his DJ work which we plan to craftily weave into the story. We plan to record our voices on recorders and basically move forward like that.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Vox Pop Post

Storycorps Review

I listened to Storycorps episode number 293, titled "Where the Giant Mushrooms Grow." This episode was very interesting and featured a retired veteran U.S. army soldier from the 1950's. This man was stationed in Nevada where a lot of atomic bomb testing was being done and was harmed from constantly being on site even though the U.S. army told him that he would be fine and safe. The type of conflict is clearly Person vs. Group in this story. The soldier being the person and the army being the group.

Vox Pop Proposal

For my question I want to ask people, What is at the top of your bucket list? The reason I'm choosing this is because I think it will get immediate responses and they will all vary a great amount. Some responses could be funny and some could just be amazing or ridiculous. I think it will be very entertaining to hear people's responses.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

This American Life Podcast Write-Up

The episode I chose to listen to was titled "Getting Away With It", #477 and was released on October 21st. Overall it was a clever theme where the host interviewed guests who broke rules and got away with it. Needless to say there was many interesting stories. I wish I could have shared a few of my own. I laughed a lot during it. As to the acts in it I believe there was 4 of them, I'm not too sure exactly but he talked with 4 guests the first one I will elaborate on later. The next four I didn't find to be as funny, I guess the stories to me felt dragged out and longer than necessary. One was easily over 15 minutes and I completely lost interest. Other than that there was some breaks where the host did a lot of talking and shared some other stories sent in by other people which were almost as funny as the first in my opinion.
One act I thought was very funny was the first one involving Ken Hegan and travel writer that has an awkward encounter with the women in front of him. He carried a gadget with him called a knee defender because he is a tall person and it gives him more knee space but limiting the amount the person in front of him can recline their seat. When he did this he was supposed to give the person in front of him a card that said that he was using this device which he did and it did not go over in a bad way as I would have thought which is incredibly funny in my mind. I would have thought it would have caused a tremendous amount of awkwardness and possibly hostility. Overall a very funny and entertaining interview.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Podcast Homework

For the assignment for thursday I chose to listen to a podcast that would be suitable for me to workout to during since the whole week I have been crunched for time with midterms and what not. Therefore the podcast I chose was titled, Audible Treats Hip-Hop Podcast, specifically episode/podcast 124 uploaded on 9/25/2012. This podcast I believe was an independent websites podcast, that being audible It was strictly a music podcast featuring no host or talking during it other than talking that was included in songs. It was a mix of underground hip-hop, most of which I have never heard. I have heard of one artist featured in one of the songs however. I listen to a lot of music podcasts and this one seemed to be a bit shorter, it was around 20 minutes. As for the overall quality it sounded very professional, high quality music with smooth DJing transitions between songs. Overall it was very engaging and kept me kind of amped up to work out. I'm definitely going to subscribe to it.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Campaign Advertisement not including Style Guide

Using the style guide I wanted to make this look professionally done with lots of boldness and flashiness. I think I effectively completed both of these aspects.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012